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E-mail address
If you wish to receive your username name and password again, then please input the e-mail address that you registered with and click the 'resend now' button.

Your details will be sent immediately and should arrive in your inbox within a few minutes.

Basic Information
Additional Details
Profile Type *
Select your gender.
Username: *
Choose your username. Min 5 characters.
Password *
Choose your password. Minimum 6 characters with maximum 15 characters.
Confirm *
Confirm your password. Minimum 6 characters with maximum 15 characters.
Date of Birth *
Your date of birth.
Country *
Please choose your country.
State/Country *
Please choose your state.
City/Town *
Please choose your city.
Please enter zip code.
(USA Only - not displayed)
First name *
Please enter your first name. Only admin sees this.
Last name *
Please enter your last name. Only admin sees this.
Email *
Please enter your email address. You will need to confirm your email before logging in.
Phone Number
Please enter your phone number. Only admin sees this.
Current Primary Location
Please enter your Primary location.
Secondary Location
Please enter your Secondary location.
Non-Photoshop Photos Required for Membership Approval (Max 5MB)
StateID Photo
Please Upload a valid State ID for our Required Criminal Background Checks. For Couples Membership, both partners must upload State ID. Failure to provide valid State ID will result in membership denial (Max 5MB)
Why do we ask this?
Skype name
Please enter Skype name (Optional.
Skype Settings
Choose Skype setting.
I have read and I understand the Terms & Conditions.
Please read and understand the disclaimer.
Newsletter *
Subscribe to our newsletter.
Body Type
Eye color
Hair color
Tobacco/Nicotine Smoking
Marital Status
Ethnic Background
Relationship Orientation *
Hair length *
Body Hair *
Sexual Orientation *
Gender identity *
Lifestyle Experience *
Astrological sign *
How often do you get tested for STD/STI? *
Free of all incurable communicable STD/STI diseases *
I/ we are only Willing to meet playmates who get tested regularly *
I/ we are Willing to meet playmates who don’t get tested regularly. *
Willing to meet playmates who have diagnosed with incurable STD/STI *
Are you aware of your current STD/STI Status *
It is Important for you to discuss STD/STI status to potential play partners *
If requested willing to share most recent MyChart STD/STI status to potential play partners *
Willing to meet moderate, heavy Tobacco/Nicotine Smokers *
Not Willing to meet any type of Tobacco/Nicotine Smokers *
420 Friendly *
Do you have piercings *
Do you have tattoos *
Circumcised *
Willing to meet uncircumcised Men *
Looks are important *
Intelligence is important *
Political Views *
My/our fashion Sense is *
When I/We go to parties *
Title *
This is the title of your profile. Max characters are 30.
About Me *
This is your About Me. There are minimum of 120 characters for this field.
characters typed

ID & Photos Request Section

For your safety and anonymity, we conduct criminal background checks. All applicants must upload a state issued ID.

As an ethical organization, we choose safety over profits. The current system we have in place ensures that you are safe and legally protected and prevents your current or prospective employer, coworkers, political rivals, family members, friends, nosy neighbors, clients, business associates, and all other outsiders from connecting you to the lifestyle or using the lifestyle against you. As a closed, restricted network, we protect you, your family, and our members from being outed, blackmailed, or preyed upon by data brokers, violent abusers, sex offenders, and traffickers. We require valid government-issued identification for safety, risk mitigation, and compliance purposes. If you are a couple, both partners must upload a state ID.

As you upload your state ID, you may cover up your address and driver's license number. However, we must be able to see your face, name, and date of birth. We want our platform to be safe and consist only of adults and law-abiding citizens. Our current process mitigates the risk of fake profiles and prevents data brokers from illegally obtaining your facial recognition data. As a world leader, our existing platform introduces accountability. It prevents unwanted guests, fraudsters, and violent offenders from joining our community. We are here to protect you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

As a user creating a profile to submit a membership request This is extremely important in the ID & Photos Request Section for the user to know the reason why we ask state identification that is extremely critical as a part of the registration process.